Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Aquifer Map of US

The following link will take you to information on the various aspects
of aquifers of how they are formed, how important they are for
water supply and the danger of contaminates to those systems and
the populations in which they serve, as well as the food supply chains
which are produced in those areas.

Please note the largest one in the US, also one of the largest ones in the world, is the Hi Plains Aquifer located predominately in Nebraska and Kansas, the key states through which would run the  XL Pipeline proposal from the shale oil deposits in Canada to the oil refineries in the watersheds of the Mississippi Delta.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Empire of Illusion

The following link is an interview with Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper war correspondent, well expresses what is happening to overall global culture. Beginning with US influence on the wider world cultures, it summarizes the breakdown in all the spheres of life, first in the American culture and as it is transported and proliferates into the wider world of other cultures, and how life becomes increasingly unsustainable in any real sense as the human race has experienced history.

An important voice in today's world.

About Me

Have been working on Pardue Genealogy for many years. Genealogy is always a work in progress!